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Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Action Learning

Learning Culture, Discipline & Discrimination

Some of the following information may seem similar to current work practices. However, this project aims to further develop an explicit learning culture, which uses:

a range of learning opportunities;

requires a degree of conscious effort;

provides language and methods which allows discrimination and distinction to enhance practice; and

develops an environment conducive to change.

 Action Learning Includes:

Continuous cycle of review, plan, act, review, etc. (See Appendix 1).

Majority of learning is either on-the-job or directly related to work practice.

Any 'traditional' training should be strongly linked to action learning through careful contracting and follow-up of training.

Other techniques used include:

Purposeful conversations (which take the presenter to a next step);

Coaching (peer, growth model of supervision);

Complaints to action (mobilising the energy of complaints); and

Action Learning groups (a group of key people who meet regularly to review progress, outcomes and provide project direction).

Other on-the-job learning opportunities (e.g. journal clubs, creative use of notice boards to post strategic plans, issues pin up board, local resource library, Internet, presentations at staff meetings, enhanced workplace consultative support, supervision etc.)

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Other Chapters of Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Action Learning
Project Management
Drug Management
Example of a PDP
Workshop Key Components
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7


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