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Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Project Management

The development of staff project management skills build a strong foundation for sustainability of the project. The roles of administration and clerical staff can play a strong role in supporting clinical staff in this regard.

Skills include:

Strategic planning [eg. use of SWOT (Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis, development of a strategic project plan; identification of critical success factors];

Identification of project vision, key outcomes, including outcome indicators, output indicators and performance indicators;

Use of organisational decision-making feedback loops which include a cross-section of management and an emphasis on coal-face worker input and professional practice;

Documentation of key issues, strategies (plans) and outcomes; and

Between team and work-site connections to assist in resource development, policy change and the realisation of key learning outcomes.

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Other Chapters of Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Action Learning
Project Management
Drug Management
Example of a PDP
Workshop Key Components
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7

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