Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Example of a Practice Development Project

The following is a brief overview for faciltators to implement a high quality learning environment into organisations (see Appendix 3).

  1. Reference group
  2. Implementation group
  3. Action Learning Workshops
  4. Initial set up of an Action Learning work-site
  5. Implementation and Support
  6. Maintenance and Handover
  7. Follow-up

Reference group

A group of key people from management and policy areas within the organisation and key people from external specialist agencies. They meet approximately twice a year to ensure organisational direction and support for the project.

Implementation group

A group of staff (some who are also on the reference group) who have shared responsibility for progressing the project. They meet approximately four times a year, to plan, review and further develop the project.

Action Learning Workshops

All staff (possibly clinical staff only) come together on a regular basis to participate in action learning workshops. In essence, this is the ‘main engine’ of the project.

Initial set up of an Action Learning work-site (2 - 6 weeks)

Sets a strong foundation for the project. Appropriate planning and contracting with key stakeholders will ensure a greater possibility of success.

Implementation and Support (3 - 12 months)

Ensuring the project is ‘on track’, by using the Action Learning methodology of review-plan-act-review, with the implementation team and action learning workshop participants.

Maintenance and Handover (9 - 15 months)

Maintenance requies support, review and on-going learning practices to be very much part of the day-to-day work of worksites.  This often means streamlining action-learning meetings into a shorter add on to staff meetings.  It also requires a system in which responsibility for maintaining the learning is owned by all the staff generally as well as specific individuals who become the custodians of the project.   Between agency involvement can be an important in maintaining ongoing change.

Follow-up (3 - 6 months follow-up - ie. after initial 12 months or after hand-over)

Evidence Action Learning methodologies are being maintained in the worksite. Facilitated follow up support is required less regularly, possibly on an as needs basis.   Follow-up with specific objectives made explicit prior to the handover encourages the viability of ongoing change.

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Other Chapters of Organisational Change Through Action Learning

Action Learning
Project Management
Drug Management
Example of a PDP
Workshop Key Components
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7

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